Becoming More Aware of Our Bias May Encourage More Bias

"Human beings are poor examiners, subject to superstition, bias, prejudice, and a PROFOUND tendency to see what they want to see rather than what is really there." ~ M. Scott Peck

"We can at least try to understand our own motives, passions, and prejudices, so as to be conscious of what we are doing when we apeal to those of others. This is very difficult, because our own prejudice and emotional bias always seems to us so rational." ~ T. S. Eliot

"If a person is capable of rectifying his erroneous judgments in the light of new evidence he is not prejudiced. Prejudgments become prejudices only if they are reversible when exposed to new knowledge. A prejudice, unlike a simple misconception, is actively resistant to all evidence that would unseat it. We tend to grow emotional when a prejudice is threatened with contradiction. Thus the difference between ordinary prejudgments and prejudice is that one can discuss and rectify a prejudgment without emotional resistance." ~ Gordon Allport

Biases are formed through our upbringing and are influenced by our peer groups, culture, politics, and education systems.

These biases can encompass various differences, including skin colour, cultural background, language, intellectual abilities, gender, age, job status, and even the schools or universities attended.

This is a primary reason why many organizations and businesses promote employee diversity training. However, some authors question the effectiveness of diversity training in positively or negatively impacting societal groups, especially if the biases are deeply ingrained and reinforced.

A highly effective approach to reducing biases within an organization, business, or society is not merely to eliminate them but to replace them with new ideas that challenge and dismantle the stereotypes associated with those biases. This approach holds the promise of a more inclusive and equitable society.

One strategy is to acknowledge and embrace diversity in the workplace and society at large. This not only enriches our collective experiences but also demonstrates our appreciation for the unique contributions of each individual.

Individuals must recognize and value the unique perspectives that different groups bring. This understanding fosters a deeper awareness of these biases' historical and generational roots.

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