Politics In High School Sports Awards
June 2, 2024•277 words
"Politics are a part of athletics now. Politics is a part of everything. And athletics is no exception." ~ Melissa Harris-Perry
"There are some remarkable parallels between basketball and politics. Michael Jordan has already mastered the skill most needed for political success: how to stay aloft without visible means of support." ~ Margaret Thatcher
When awards seem like popularity contests or pre-determined outcomes, it can discourage participation. Athletes who train hard but lack close relationships with the coach may feel deflated and unmotivated. This leads to resentment, especially if awards go to undeserving players, causing friction between teammates and those who make the decisions.
Unfair distribution of awards can do more than just discourage individual athletes. It can damage the very fabric of team spirit. When players feel that awards are distributed unjustly, it can create division and hinder cooperation within the team. Student-athletes will share their resentment with people via social media.
Additionally, the focus can shift from sportsmanship to merely winning awards. This emphasis can lead to negative behaviour both on and off the field. Athletes might lose motivation for self-improvement if they believe their efforts won't be fairly recognized, causing them to go through the motions rather than strive for excellence.
Political maneuvering can foster favouritism and cliques within the team, creating an unequal environment.
The issue of politics in amateur sports is not just about the present. It's about the future of our young athletes and the values they learn. When politics cloud these awards, it sets a bad example. It sends a negative message about fairness, hard work, and the importance of character, overshadowing the true spirit of athletic competition.