Positive Succession

"A leader's lasting value is measured by succession." ~ John C. Maxwell

"Life is a succession of moments, to live each one is to succeed." ~ Corita Kent

"life is a succession of readjustments." ~ Elizabeth Bowen

"Great things do not just happen by impulse, but as a succession of small things linked together." ~ Vincent Van Gogh

In any organization, succession can have positive or negative consequences.

If individuals are retiring or departing or being promoted, succession is an important determining outcome for future success for the individual and organization.

The vast majority of individuals that depart want to leave a lasting positive Legacy.

Communication, engagement, and collaboration, leading to a succession either from a retirement or departure or promotion is vital for any organization to be more successful and a smoother transition of leadership.

At times, succession can be somewhat fractured due to unforeseen circumstances and in those cases teamwork in collaboration is vital for a smooth transition.

Preparing for a successful succession within any type of career position is actually preparing for a next generation of leaders and empowering future leaders to make positive decisions and to create a positive Legacy for the individuals leaving and the for the individuals coming into the organization.

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