Sleep Walking Into A Global War

Two conflicts that will eventually lead to regional wars, and then eventually a global war of nuclear annihilation.

Ukraine's President Zelenski is asking the USA Biden government for long-range missiles that will hit anywhere in Russia from Ukrainian territory.

Ukraine's President Zelenski is hoping by hitting major cities in Russia with long range land-to-land missiles, it will pull United States and the rest of NATO into a regional war with Russia.

The Russian President Putin has already warned the rest of the world including USA, if Ukraine is given long-range land to land missiles from any European or North American country, that will be a declaration of war against that country too.

Russia continues to tell the world that it will not lose a war against the Ukraine, even if it has to use its nuclear armaments.

In all likelihood, the United States of America will give Ukraine long range missiles to hit anywhere in Russia, including Moscow.

In the Middle East, Israeli Netanyahu government is causing a genocide in the Gaza Strip and at the same time they're still losing the war against Hamas and Hezbollah.

Israel would not be able to last by itself in a regional war against multiple Middle Eastern actors/countries.

Economist professor Jeffrey Sachs has a very short interview discussing these two possible regional Wars, which will most likely escalate into a global nuclear annihilation.

Netanyahu must continue to wage war against any of the countries in the Middle East, so that he does not face the Israeli courts on multiple charges, with the likelihood of conviction and jail time.

Netanyahu's goal is to create a regional war within the Middle East not only against Hezbollah but also Iran and other countries, which will pull the United States military into a regional war.

NATO is slowly sleep walking into two regional Wars which will eventually become a global nuclear war.

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