Israel's Existential Threats

"I also think that we [Americans] are operating out of fear in our country. It's not that terrorism is not a threat, but it's not an existential threat. It is not the preeminent threat facing most Americans on any given day, and yet the power of nightmares is so strong." ~ Jeremy Scahill

"I reject the idea that there is some sort of existential "clash of civilizations." I am an interventionist, but not a militarist. War should always be a last resort." ~ Bernard-Henri Levy

For many years, including multiple generations Israeli traditional media and social media have described their existence on the teetering of breaking for no apparent reason.

For many decades now, Israel has been considered the medium to superpower in the Middle East compared to any other country in that region, including the continent of Africa.

There is no way Hamas or Hezbollah or Iran will destroy Israel as a nation-state. Israel has the backing of most NATO militaries and its big brother, the United States of America.

Israel is a self-declared semi-democracy which has apartheid policies against Arab ethnicities, including the Palestinian people in that region, including greater Israel. Many of the Israeli intellects and the politicians believe a one-state solution may result in a Palestinian majority within in minor and greater Israel, which may result in a deluded demographic shift from a Jewish only country to a more diverse Democratic nation-state. For many Israeli intellects, such a demographic shift means an existential threat to the only Jewish character apartheid nation-state.

There is an international concern regarding Israel's apartheid policies and mass killings which are exposed online on a daily basis. Clearly, there's ethnic cleansing within greater Israel of the Palestinian people and for most intellects in Israel and outside of Israel, there's an increase call for international crimes against humanity including genocide. Israel as a nation state because it believes it's a Liberal Democratic nation-state in the Middle East, there is a growing Global isolation and many movements such as the boycott, divestment, and sanctions BDS campaign is growing in most countries in the western world. With such boycotts and movements against Israel, many of the intellects of Israel believe this can be an existential threat.

Israel is in a turning point or catch 22. If they continue their apartheid policies and ethnic cleansing and more extreme mass killings and genocidal tendencies toward the Palestinians, there will be more and more nation-states and companies throughout different parts of the world that will isolate and not invest in Israel.

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