$10 Billion Dollars To Eradicate Poverty In Canada

If the Canadian Parliament, including the Liberal Party of Canada, hired the world's best economists to plan for eradication of poverty in Canada, with the total funds of 8-10 billion dollars, Canadian inflation would decrease. There would be more jobs for Canadians and there would be much less poverty and homelessness.

John Maynard Keynes in the early 20th century devised of a plan that was so different compared to everyone else that eventually all the modern liberal democracies adopted and still have remnants of the Keynesian economic policies.

Professor Keynes explained, instead of governments holding on to their money when times become tough and eventually going through deep depressions within the business cycle, political leaders should encourage spending during a recession so that people are working for public funded works programs at the local, provincial, state, or federal level, workers will spend money, and the infrastructure of the country such as transportation, bridges, electrical grids such as dams and nuclear reactors, would be built or improved.

People will have jobs, they will spend on goods and services, and the economy will not dive into a Great Depression. It was such a different thinking outside the box theory and plan, that many countries were very apprehensive.

Economist like Jeffrey Sachs and many other world-renowned economists definitely have many different theories, plans, or ideas on how to eradicate poverty, especially in a modern liberal G7 democracy.

Just looking at how modern economies are so dynamic. Infusing $10 billion to focus on eradicating poverty within a year, with a combined effort from private businesses and public organizations, such funds would make a huge difference. Such a political socioeconomic plan would propel all individuals in Canadian society to a much improved life.

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