Collective Punishment Through Military Bombing

Collective punishment through military bombing of targeted infrastructure of a society as a whole is considered unethical. When civilian populations are specifically targeted such military actions are considered against International law, which was established by the Geneva Convention to protect civilians during times of internal and external conflicts and war.

The world has watched for over a year now of the collective punishment dealt out by the Israeli military advised and supported by the USA and the European Union.

The Israeli military planned the destruction of hospitals, water and sanitation, infrastructure, schools and universities, and the forced displacement of 2.2 million people and the murdering of over 45,000 people and physically injuring over 500,000 people, and traumatizing 2.2 million people in the Gaza Strip.

With such collective punishment and mass murder and traumatizing, over 2 million people for over a year of constant bombing of thousands of tons of explosives every week for 50 plus weeks, such Israeli military action has deepened fear and hatred among people in the Middle East and elsewhere throughout the world.

Such collective punishment placed upon the Palestinian people of Gaza has galvanized many people's ideas and thoughts of the immoral attitudes of Israeli society due to its military bombing campaigns. There are are millions of people throughout the World calling for accountability and legal repercussions against Israel due to breaking International humanitarian law.

Why does the Israeli government under Benjamin Netanyahu believe that by targeting Palestinian civilians and destroying their hospitals, schools, universities, and the electrical and communication networks and the water and sanitation infrastructure, they can pressure the Palestinian population to turn against Hamas or any other political group?

How can the Palestinians and any other society in the Middle East trust Israel after such collective punishment and atrocities of mass murder against innocent women, children, elderly and men?

Such thoughts of deterrence from the Israeli government based on collective punishment of over 70 years towards the Palestinians and the increase of brutality and injustices through their discriminatory and racist apartheid socio-political system causes increased resentment and resistance throughout the Middle East.

Collective punishment and revenge towards the ill-conceived Hamas hostage taking and random killings of Israeli citizens, is an ill-conceived political retribution towards innocent civilians which only causes a cycle of future retaliation.

It is very clear that the Israeli political and military structure is utilizing ideas and planning through generative artificial intelligence with the help of American and European technology and Military armaments industries.

For advanced societies, such as the European Union and North America to support an Israeli military's collective punishment, believing that it will weaken morale of the Palestinian people and the Hamas supporters within the Gaza Strip; the Israeli IDF generative artificial intelligence algorithms, using a theory that life may become so unbearable, that support for any type of opposition against the Israeli military's indiscriminate collective punishment of civilians will stop Hamas, is problematic.

Other resistance groups outside of Israeli and/or in the Middle East radicalized groups will not be demoralized, generative artificial intelligence has not taking into consideration the human factors of emotion, social, political and psychology of the people of that region and the resilience that has built up over generations due to the Israeli apartheid system.

Military generative artificial intelligence algorithms still do not have the capability of understanding the emotional, historical, social, political, and psychological resiliency and complexity of the social psychology of such groups of people and societies that have lived through generational trauma and are seeking justice and equality.

There are so many false narratives that the Israeli military must indiscriminately bomb civilian areas trying to justify they're rationale that insurgents or Hamas or Hezbollah or rebels are a living among the civilian population and due to such living situations, everyone must be murdered. That is a military generative artificial intelligence algorithm not taking into account illegal repercussions and the inhumane actions of a military upon a human civilization.

It is very clear that the Israeli military is using generative artificial intelligence to plan out collective punishment by using algorithms on how International scrutiny will be low or high with powerful nation-states supporting Israel's military collective punishment on civilians.

It is clear that generals and politicians in North America and in Europe, and in Israel are using AI to understand if there's less accountability and less incentive to follow international humanitarian law under the circumstances in the Gaza Strip and now in Lebanon.

The most important factor that the United States, the European Union, and the Israeli military are hoping, their generative artificial intelligence assistants are correct to instill fear and terrorize the populations and societies within the Middle East by producing collective punishment of mass murder and mass injury of the civilian population to comply with such asymmetric military resources.

Such collective punishment leads to an alertness to many countries to increase weaponization of generative artificial intelligence and increased GDP spending on militarization of nation-states militaries for offensive and defensive conflicts, setting the international stage for collective punishment upon other populations and societies.

As the United States and the European Union support the Israeli government, and Benjamin Netanyahu announces to the world on international news agencies, warning all the people of Lebanon that they may be the next victims of collective punishment, similar to the Palestinians the Gaza Strip; collective punishment of tens of thousands of tons of explosive bombs which encompasses mass murder of innocent civilians, mass injuries, and extreme psychological trauma, many other nation-states are now weaponizing their societies so they do not fall victim to such collective punishment.

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