The "Dead Hand" Nuclear Strategy

As leader of Russia, Vladimir Putin, has warned the world, "Russia will never lose a war, especially a nuclear war."

A typical Russian cultural thought process that we have read through many Russian writers such as Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, Russia has always had a very grim War strategy.

"You destroy me, I then will destroy you"

If the Russian society are close to losing a war, especially a nuclear attack, they have the "dead hand" or Perimeter fail safe system in which all the nuclear weapons would be fired off towards the United States and European Union to annihilate those countries, that is if the Russian nuclear command was attacked and disabled.

If the military commanders and the political infrastructure of Russia were obliviated their overwhelming nuclear weapon response would be inevitable, unstoppable, and automatic. The dead hand strategy is a deterrent against any nuclear attack on Russian soil, guaranteeing the other nuclear military powers that humanity would be ultimately annihilated.

Russia has updated their Nuclear weaponry technology and capability with artificial intelligence, updated daily, quietly watching and listening communicating with their spy satellites and geological sensors, waiting for the faintest tremors and radiation from enemy nuclear weapons, sensors deep within the Russian territory.

If these artificial intelligence quantum computing sensors detect any type of nuclear explosion on Russian soil, these artificial and mechanical Sentinels will stir to life, listening for a human command, and if there is no human command, the Dead Hand Perimeter system itself, will assume full authority of the nuclear weapons.

There would be no human hesitation and no faltering hand. The dead hand perimeter quantum computer with a daily updated artificial intelligence would unleash its fury of over 5,000 intercontinental ballistic missiles with multiple warheads on each missile, with an overwhelming force that humanity could not even comprehend.

If Russia would lose a war to nuclear weapons, the rest of the world would undoubtedly lose the war too.

This cold grim calculus of deterrence of mutual destruction, all political and military leaders of nuclear militaries clearly understand Russia's nuclear military theory -"The Dead Hand Perimeter" strategy.

And now in the strange uncertain world, especially in the Middle East with Israel armed with nuclear weapons threatening all of the Middle East and North African countries that they're willing to take on anyone threatening their country by threatening others.

Arm to the teeth with nuclear weapons, India, Pakistan, China, North Korea, and Russia are all watching closely as politicians from China are warning the world that Israel needs to scale back its military attacks in the Middle East and to stop threatening multiple countries that they are willing to wipe out countries like they have wiped out the Gaza Strip.

The Benjamin Netanyahu government of Israel has threatened Lebanon, as Netanyahu told the Lebanese people that they will fall victim to the similar fate of the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip of being completely annihilated, mass murdered, all infrastructure destroyed, and all schools and hospitals turned into rubble.

European Nations will watch Lebanese people be annihilated and brutalized and tormented by Israeli military, supported by American and European governments.

A people traumatized for generations.

There is no doubt, Benjamin Netanyahu understands clearly, a dark mystery in the heart of the world, lives on the edge of total human catastrophe, that we are close to wipe out the whole planet with nuclear weapons.

If anyone is able to live the horrors of a nuclear World War, those unfortunate human beings would suffer a new Stone Age.

An all out nuclear war would last less than 48 hours. All communication networks, water and sanitation, food supplies, all economies would be destroyed. No electricity grid on the planet.

The chances of any human beings surviving would be close to 0%.

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