Nietzsche's Concept of Eternal Recurrence of Violence, Retaliation, Occupation, & Political Assassinations

The concept of eternal recurrence is deeply reflected in how history repeats itself...

Over the 78 years, an Israeli political cyclical violence is placed upon the Palestinians.

Over the 7 decades, Israeli politicians would name or label Israeli military bombings of the Palestinians as, "mowing the lawn" or "mowing the grass." A process of dehumanization of the Palestinian people to commit a cyclical decades long, mass murder of an indigenous people of that region.

The continuous cycle of the mistreatment of an indigenous peoples - violence, retaliation, occupation, and political assassinations create a tragic loop that traps Israel, and their treatment of Palestinians as subhuman, and the infuriation of the rest of the Middle East.

Every decade for the past 78 years there have been patterns of military strikes, rocket attacks, bombings, with no planned peace and no resolution. In fact, there has been more extreme violence of mass murdering Palestinian people.

For 78 years, there have been no planned peace toward Palestinian people. Even in this day and age in the year 2024, it has been documented multiple times by American and Canadian citizens of Palestinian heritage, if a Palestinian travels to Israel and then into the occupied Palestinian territories Israeli checkpoint guards, scoff at the idea of a Palestinian territory and they usually mention to the visiting Palestinian, "there is no such thing as a Palestinian and there is no such thing as Palestinian territories!"

If Israeli politicians and its military are able to dehumanize an Arab indigenous people, the Palestinians, and continuously mass murder these individuals, many of the countries in the Middle East would definitely have a concern if they are next.

This cycle violence creating extreme trauma on the Palestinians has persisted for 78 years and shows few signs of changing fundamentally.

In Nietzschean terms, this is the eternal recurrence of violence, a loop of extreme suffering that repeats with slight variations but fundamentally remains the same.

2.4 million Palestinians have been imprisoned in the Gaza Strip with military control for decades now. Most economists and sociologists call the Gaza Strip an open air prison of 141 square miles, 365 square kilometers, subjugating Christian and Muslim Arabs of Palestinian heritage.

Over 700,000 Israeli settlers in the West Bank which is totally against international law agreed upon with the Palestinian and Israeli politicians regarding Palestinian territories. Again, pushing settlers into Palestinian territory, confiscating land homes and buildings from Palestinians, a dehumanizing racist and discriminatory apartheid Israeli policy.

The enabling support of the American politicians and its industrial military complex and the continuous never-ending transfer of free weapons to Israel, reinforces this continuous feedback loop of extreme violence.

American Presidents enabling Israel by telling the world that they will protect Israel no matter what they do. And at the same time play a rhetoric game of only words to Israel, that they should not be mass killing innocent, Palestinian civilians or innocent Lebanese civilians.

Such lip service from the American politicians enables Israel to do whatever they want, whenever they want, and to continue the endless feedback loop of extreme violence toward the Palestinians, now the Lebanese, and probably toward the Iranian people. All victims of Israeli political and Military collective punishment of mass killings.

Israel’s refusal to compromise and the deeply entrenched political apartheid system ensures that this cycle of extreme violence and mass killings perpetuates itself.

Israel’s targeted assassinations of leaders from Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iranian-backed groups also contribute to a cycle of leadership decapitation, followed by the rise of new, often more radical leaders.

Mossad’s political assassinations have not broken the conflict but instead fuel a repeating violent cycle where each killed leader is replaced, and the power struggle continues.

For seven decades, each generation of Palestinians inherent extreme trauma. These Christian and Muslim Arabs grew up with a historical memory of victimization, which lead to recurring cycles of distrust and hostility. How can Palestinians trust American and Israeli politicians when all they do is lie about any peace, and continue a cycle of extreme violence.

Nietzsche’s concept of eternal recurrence could symbolize how the past continually shapes the present, trapping the Palestinians in a narrative they cannot escape.

But we can learn from Nietzsche's philosophy ask whether, given the possibility that this cycle will continue forever, voters people of all these countries that are supporting such extreme violence could still affirm life, or whether a political or economic transformation, a break from the extreme violent cycle, might offer a different future.

A future of peace and prosperity as equal human beings for the next generations of Christian and Muslim Arabs.

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