Human Capital, Most Important Resource Of A Nation

"Human resources are like natural resources; they're often buried deep You have to go looking for them; they're not just lying around on the surface You have to create the circumstances where they show themselves." ~ Ken Robinson

"Human resources are the most valuable assets the world has. They are all needed desperately." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

"Our greatest resource is the human resource." ~ Mal Fletcher

It's not gold, not diamonds, not oil, and not drugs; the most important resource to a nation is its people.

Human capital, or human resources, refers to the skills, knowledge, creativity, and productivity of its population.

Canada, Australia, England, New Zealand, and the United States of America are all nations of immigrants. We not only have immigrants who help build our nations, but most importantly, we encourage immigrants to become full citizens of our nation-states to continue driving innovation, sustaining economic growth, and supporting social stability.

Human capitalโ€”such as our leaders, thinkers, workers, and citizensโ€”shapes everything from technology and industry to culture and governance through their efforts and ideas.

Successful nations have an abundance of natural resources, such as land, minerals, water, and biodiversity, combined with human resources that possess knowledge, skills, and the ability to manage and develop those resources responsibly.

Education, healthcare, and strong institutions are vital for building a successful society, as they enhance human potential and create conditions for a nation's population to thrive.

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