An Individual Who Schemes In The Shadows

"What is to be expected of them is not treachery, or physcial cowardice, but stupidity, unconscious sabotage, an infallible instinct for doing the wrong thing." ~ George Orwell

"don't sabotage your own greatness by succumbing to failure!" ~ Terry McMillan

"The Israelis wanted to sabotage the Palestinian - Palestinian reconciliation." ~ Benjamin Netanyahu

Be wary of individuals who scheme in the shadows, for the trap they set for individuals may become their own downfall.

The desire to see someone fail is a powerful motivator for the envious and the spiteful. They plot, they plan, connive, and they position you for defeat, but in their eagerness to see you fall, they often overreach.

This is the danger of sabotage.

The schemer believes they are in control, yet they are blind to their own vulnerability, video shows everything and the brothers know your so called power play. All the individuals talk and they see and they feel and they know, and all their friends know, ready to pounce and attack like wild hyenas.

History and literature are filled with warnings of this folly.

Shakespeare spoke of being "hoist with their own petard," a phrase that means to be caught by oneโ€™s own trap.

The idea is simple, the very device intended to destroy you becomes the instrument of the saboteur's own undoing.

"What goes around comes around," a reminder that oneโ€™s actions inevitably return to them.

There is also the image of "digging a grave for someone but falling into it yourself," a vivid metaphor for the self-destruction that follows ill-intentioned schemes. Video shows everything, including behavior and physical actions, every second is scrutinized and watched by hundreds, if not 1000s.

Power requires patience and foresight.

When you act out of spite, you lose clarity.

Those who seek to undermine others often overestimate their cleverness and underestimate the unseen forces at play.

The obsession with an individual's downfall blinds him to his own exposure. Let his jealousy, prejudices, discrimination, racism, do the work for you.

Watch as their plan unravels under its own weight.

In the end, his failure will be his own doing โ€” no effort required on your part.

You win not by striking first, but by allowing your antagonist to destroy him or herself.

It was a good eye-opening weekend of understanding and clarity.

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