False Narratives of Marginalized Individuals

"If the church does not identify with the marginalized, it will itself be marginalized. This is God's poetic justice." ~ Timothy Keller

"Today everything comes under the laws of competition and the survival of the fittest, where the powerful feed upon the powerless. As a consequence, masses of people find themselves excluded and marginalized: without work, without possibilities, without any means of escape." ~ Pope Francis

Narratives or stories that misrepresent someone's life or actions can perpetuate harm, especially if they are driven by scapegoating or bias or racism.

These false narratives often serve to shift blame, deflect accountability, or maintain societal racism and discrimination power dynamics at the expense of the targeted marginalized individual.

The targeted individual is now extremely well educated with 8+ years of university and well versed in contracts and legal racial/discrimination legal human rights.

False stories damage reputations, relationships, and self-worth, particularly for those who are already vulnerable or marginalized, especially if we are Indian which are First Nation, Metis, Intuit, West Indian, East Indian, South Asian Indian.

Obscure truth by focusing on scapegoating, these narratives can prevent a genuine understanding of the underlying issues or problems. Why would individuals of colour attack individuals of colour? Is there an ulterior motive? I think so... I know so

They perpetuate cycles of injustice by allowing untrue stories to persist that can reinforce systemic biases and create a culture where unfair treatment becomes normalized.

Challenging these narratives involves courage and care. It often means advocating for the truth, and questioning, "What evidence supports this story?" or "Whose perspective is missing?" or "do I have all the perspectives?"

Without coming to a preconceived biased/racial/discrimination conclusion.

Did we ask to hear all parties before concluding, acting, and targeting individuals?

Did we hear from all targeted marginalized individuals?

We are dealing with well educated and extremely well read and connected marginalized individuals.

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