A Career That Is Linked To Working With Computers

A client told me she was looking for a career that involved computer work.

I asked her if she could be more specific, and she mentioned that she's not technically skilled to a high degree, meaning that she is not a computer programmer, but she can basically do almost anything else except programming.

I shook my head in disbelief and told her that narrows the career choices to hundreds if not thousands of possibilities.

People need to understand that computers are so pervasive in society and linked to each individual in some way on this planet, either through government databases, mobile technology, or laptops and desktop computers. In most societies, computer technology has become the paper and pencil of our learning, communication, and workplace existence.

It is wise for individuals to explore and understand their personal abilities and interests at the micro and macro aspects of specific careers that are strongly linked to computer technology because, let's face the facts: almost every job is now linked somehow to computer technology directly or indirectly at a micro or macro level with individual usage at different abilities and skill levels.

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