Brief Points of a Fast Company Article: Annoying Coworkers

"Hewlett Packard at one point had only three private offices. One belonged to Hewlett, one to Packard, and the third to a guy named Paul Ely who annoyed so many coworkers with his bellowing on the phone that the company finally extended his cubicle walls to the ceiling." ~ Robert X. Cringely

"People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." ~ Isaac Asimov

"I know nothing more annoying when people I don't know jump to conclusions on my person based on nothing but gossip or speculation." ~ Nikolaj Coster-Waldau

I just read an interesting article in Fast Company titled "Annoying Coworkers."

Not everyone you work with will become your best friend; at times, you may encounter colleagues who grate on your nerves. The good news is that there are effective ways to handle such situations!

Dealing with annoying coworkers can be challenging. They may tell long-winded stories or explain things you already know. In these cases, politely interrupting or redirecting the conversation can be helpful. You could also limit one-on-one interactions by suggesting they join group lunches instead.

Some coworkers can be tricky.

For instance, there are two narcissists: those who always want praise and those who think they're never wrong. When dealing with the first type, try to make them feel appreciated. And for the know-it-alls, you can ask them some tough questions to show that you're knowledgeable, too.

Dealing with a frustrating coworker who displays passive-aggressive behaviour can be challenging.

It can be disheartening when they say yes to tasks but don't follow through. Addressing their behaviour with empathy and understanding is essential in situations like this while setting clear expectations. Creating a supportive work environment where everyone feels comfortable speaking up is also necessary.

Finally, the overly ambitious coworker often takes on more than they can handle.

If you're a peer, try to offer understanding and supportive feedback about choosing manageable tasks. If that feels uncomfortable, don't hesitate to have a compassionate conversation with your supervisor about the best way to handle the situation.

Remember, the key is to find empathetic ways to work together effectively, even with challenging colleagues. Using these tips, you can foster a harmonious and productive work environment for everyone.

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