Pixel 7 to Pixel 8Pro for the Writing Process

"There are 4 billion cell phones in use today. Many of them are in the hands of market vendors, rickshaw drivers, and others who've historically lacked access to education and opportunity. Information networks have become a great leveler, and we should use them together to help lift people out of poverty and give them a freedom from want." ~ Hillary Clinton

"Technologies, including cell phones, have the potential to help millions of poor people out of poverty by enabling access to a range of safe, affordable financial services - most importantly, savings accounts - that have long been out of reach." ~ Sylvia Mathews Burwell


I am considering upgrading to the Pixel 8Pro from the Pixel 7.

The Pixel 8 Pro has so much to offer for writers. With a higher resolution and brighter display, it's much easier to read and write, no matter the lighting. The upgraded camera is perfect for capturing inspiration and creating visual content for my blog or social X media. Plus, better battery management means more time to write without recharging. With faster processing speeds and more RAM, multitasking and running Standard Notes and a few other apps will be smooth on the newer technology.

With the Pixel 7 and soon with the Pixel 8Pro, I usually voice text into my Standard Notes while walking my American Pitbull when contemplating ideas for my blog or social X media.

The Pixel 8Pro has improved voice recognition and typing features to help quickly jot down notes or drafts. More storage options will allow me to save my documents, research material, and apps without any worries about running out of space. I think all these upgrades will make the writing process much more enjoyable and productive. I'm convincing myself for a new cell phone 🤦🏾

With more than 5 billion people around the world having a cell phone, there are so many creative and sharing of ideas available to improve the quality of life of individuals and families that it's a must-have mobile device.

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