Israeli Bombing of Palestinian Hospitals in the Gaza Strip

Israeli bombing of over 30 hospitals in the Gaza Strip is considered an international war crime under the Geneve Conventions.

The Israeli government and their legislative body, all 120 politicians in the Knesset should all be held responsible for this International war crime.


For Israel to destroy Palestinian hospitals, the Israeli government is trying to instill fear, despair, and hopelessness in all of the Gazans. Israeli government and its military are using an unethical International crime of psychological warfare of terror by destroying Palestinian hospitals.

By destroying infrastructures such as hospitals creating a lack of medical aid to the Palestinians, such destruction increases Palestinian casualties.


The Israeli government and military goal of destroying hospitals seek to kill hospital personnel such as doctors, nurses and specialists thereby telling the world and NGOs not to send medical personnel into the Gaza Strip, furthering deeper suffering of the Palestinians.

By destroying hospitals, the Israeli government strategy is to forcibly ethnically cleanse Palestinians out of the Gaza Strip, and steal the Gaza Strip land for Israeli settlements.


The Israeli government propaganda machine stating that all Palestinian hospitals are facilities of Hamas military is absolute bogus and no proof. If a Hamas combatant is laying in his deathbed with his legs or arms torn off due to an Israeli bombing, that hospital should not be targeted for bombing to kill that Hamas combatant.

Destroying hospitals, healthcare facilities and discouraging medical personnel into the the Gaza Strip, the Israeli government strategy and goal is to create extreme misery and massive obstacles for any type of post-war recovery and future for the Palestinians.

By destroying hospitals, healthcare facilities and killing medical personnel, the Israeli government is showing how much hatred they have against other human beings, the Palestinian population.


In every country, hospitals symbolize civilization, care of their population, and humanitarianism. By destroying these symbols of hope, the Israeli government and its military are trying to undermine trust and demoralize the Palestinian population and the Arab World.

The Israeli government has calculated and planned the bombing of hospitals in the Gaza Strip. Destroying hospitals deprives the Palestinians of medicine and blood transfusions, including everyday medicines for the sick and elderly.

The broader strategic Israeli government narrative is to provoke International outrage and pull the Middle East into a regional war which would push the United States into a conflict teaming up with Israel, which would destabilize the whole Middle East and cause multiple failed States.

For thousands of years, history shows us when hospitals and health facilities are destroyed, it's usually during extreme hatred of ethnic and sectarian genocide campaigns, to reduce any possible survival of the targeted population to be murdered.

As Israel continues to bomb and destroy all the infrastructure and healthcare facilities in the Gaza Strip, the Palestinians are living in horrendous sanitation conditions. Palestinians are suffering from the spread of multiple waterborne diseases, including an outbreak of polio.

The Israeli government tactic to create a humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip is an Israeli narrative, telling the world the Israeli government can do anything they want, including ethnic cleansing and a genocide because the United States of America will support Israel with America's military might.

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