Reducing Stress & Some Ideas to Happiness

Compassion and Empathy

Compassion and the importance of having compassion and looking at a life of happiness can link very well to empathy and more compassion. An abundance of kindness and compassion creates a happy life in most societies.

Close Lasting Relationships

Close solid relationships with not only family members and extended family, but childhood friends, high school, college and work place friendships bolsters a happier life.

Religious Beliefs - Spirituality

From a very young age, within the whole environment and the religious houses of worship such as churches, synagogues, mosques, etc., goodness, compassion and caring are ingrained, taught, and coached, and in turn, the family and community structure is reinforced to have a happier, more cohesive life.

Suffering - Part of Life

In every society, some individuals will inevitably suffer more than others, sometimes unnecessarily, due to political, economic, and military strife. However, suppose we can confront our own suffering that we can control to a certain degree and internalize any past anguish. In that case, happiness will be a more vital force when confronting suffering.

Negative States of Mind vs Positive States of Mind

Over many years, I've realized life is so much easier when you try everything possible to keep a positive state of mind by using a class of ideas and good habits that are internalized as intrinsic.

Dispel Anger and Hatred

Anger and hatred always skew a person's judgement. When individuals learn to cultivate patience, intolerance towards one another, a mindset of inner calmness, contentment and peace becomes the norm. It's also essential to take time out when feeling anger and hatred. Sometimes, it will take at least 24 hours or more time.

Everyone in All Societies Seek Happiness

In summary, we all try in different degrees of seeking inner peace and happiness. If we take ownership and internalize the abundance of positive life experiences, a person in any society will experience a happier life.

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