Israel's Perpetual Genocide of the Palestinians

Depending on how you count, the 2024 conflict is Israel’s forth major war with Hamas in sixteen years, or its sixth with Palestinian groups since the Second Intifada, which erupted in September 2000 following the collapse of the Oslo Accord peace process. ~ Sebastien Roblin

Some Israelis refer to their periodic shelling of the Palestinian territory as “mowing the lawn.” It is a disturbing metaphor because it is so indiscriminate. They don’t talk about “weeding the garden” or “pruning the trees.” A lawnmower cuts down everything in its path—grass, weeds, wildflowers. Also, a lawn needs constant mowing, suggesting that Israel plans to conduct bombing campaigns on a seasonal basis. ~ John Feffer

Throughout history, countries that have undergone a genocide have all used genocidal language.

Such negative language of dehumanization and scapegoating of a group of people is seen through traditional media, social media, and even school textbooks.

As we all learned, during Rwandan genocide, politicians, media and the general public were using the word "cockroach" to describe the minority ethnic group that eventually were attacked and over 800,000 people were killed.

On social media and traditional media, the chief of the Israeli defense forces has used the term cockroaches when he discusses Palestinians.

Many different areas of Israeli society, including their politicians, military leaders, and some religious leaders have described Palestinians as rats, vermin, and cancer that needs to be annihilated. Most of Israeli society is desensitized to the extreme genocidal language used against Palestinians.

Shockingly, some Israeli journalists have called for a wholesale slaughtering of Palestinians not only in Gaza but also in the West Bank. To spout off to the general public and their politicians and to the rest of the world, crimes of hate to slaughter human beings, innocent human beings especially helpless elderly, women, and children of Palestinian ethnicity is a crime of hate and genocide.

The whole world sat back and did nothing when the defense minister of Israel Yoav Gallant, told everyone on National and international traditional media and social media that all of the Gaza Strip will be under complete military siege. All Palestinians which he dehumanizingly called "human animals" in the Gaza Strip will be without electricity, no food, no fuel, and they will not be able to escape the bombardment of the Israeli military. The Israeli defense minister basically told the world that the Israeli military and Israeli government will commit genocide on 2.5 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Political rhetoric coming from certain politicians in USA and Israel, spouting, “Anyone that is pro-Palestinian is pro-Hamas, Hamas must be destroyed." When politicians use such negative, illogical rhetoric many people become desensitized to the mass killing of innocent Palestinians especially of elderly, women and children.

Over a century Israeli political leaders and many of their thought leaders have called for ethnic cleansing by using the word "transfer" or "mass expulsions" of people and at the same time discrediting any history of Palestinian culture or linkage to land, and making them out as being a fake people. Again, genocidal rhetoric and language from, Israeli leaders supported by some leaders in USA about an ethnic group of people to desensitize a whole society for future perpetual genocidal mass killing of innocent Palestinians.

Many school textbooks in Israel from grades k to 12 describe Palestinians as primitive, dirty, nomads that are trespassers or intruders of the Israeli homeland. In a 2003 study of Israeli textbooks, Palestinians were described as criminal, living off the state, not paying taxes, not willing to develop, and mainly of refugees and terrorists. The 2003 study indicated that Israeli school textbooks never depicted or showcased a professional of Palestinian descent, such as a business owner, a lawyer, an engineer, a teacher, a medical doctor or nurse, or an Israeli politician.

Historically, the Palestinians are indigenous to this area for over 4,000 years.

Such negative, racist and discriminatory scapegoating indoctrination at a very young age within a federal school system through the use of textbooks, creates a society that supports hatred toward all Palestinians and encourages continued apartheid policies against Palestinians in Israel.

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