A Rabbi and Social Media Networks

"Social networking is playing a huge role in creating awareness and mobilizing support for all kinds of common interests. What better way to use this remarkable tool than to change the world?" ~ Natalie Portman

"Networking is an enrichment program, not an entitlement program." ~ Susan RoAne

"Smart mobile phones connect you with 1 billion users worldwide, basically for free - you don't pay for the phone, you don't pay for the Internet, you don't pay for the wireless connectivity. Social networks let you add a new customer or a new agent, again for free." ~ Geoffrey Moore

Networks play an important role in promoting positive engagement and democratic participation.

Networks are bridges between citizens and their governments, providing social media, websites, and the archaic email where people can voice their concerns and engage in meaningful conversations with politicians as part of public accountability transparency.

Social media is a powerful networking tool for people to come together and advocate for change, especially if cell phone videos showcase a less-than-positive image of people or governments and their military abusing power. This does create a more informed and engaged public, but such exposed actions can create a social crisis in a democracy.

Networks are not just about social connections, they are also key drivers of economic growth and innovation. The potential to share and collaborate on ideas with individuals and organizations from diverse places and countries is immense, and can significantly contribute to economic growth.

One individual that comes to mind is Rabbi David Mivasair, who lives in Canada and networks with tens of thousands of Christians, Muslims, and Jews throughout the world to help families in Gaza through a Gofund.me site:


On a global scale, individuals like Rabbi David Mivasair have leveraged networks to foster a sense of global community. These networks bridge cultural divides, bringing people from around the world together and promoting mutual understanding and empathy for those in need. The Rabbi's network is a testament to the power of global cooperation.

Even though the Rabbi receives hate messages, his social media network encourages diversity and inclusiveness, which represent a wide range of perspectives and help and serve as a force for good in society and the world.

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